DK Sell Your Games - Just In Week of 5-22-15
Posted by DKOldies on May. 21st, 2015
Everyday there is a new stack of boxes fresh from Fedex with labels that say Sell Your Games on them. Opening them up is my favorite part of the day. It's like Christmas morning everyday as I open up a new package and have no idea what will be inside. Check back every Thursday as I take pictures of what we purchased each week and what we be out for sale.
Some cool Nintendo NES Games & Consoles
Mario 1, 2, 3, Mega Man 1, TMNT, Zelda, Tecmo and more.
I love getting Gamecube games in and we got some really great ones this week. Animal Crossing, Super Monkey Ball, Mario Kart, Super Smash and lots of different Zeldas!
Super Nintendo
Look at those clean consoles, controllers and games. This collection was well taken care of as you can see.
Nintendo 64
First thing I notice is Conker's Bad Fur Day. Love this filthy game. We got in 2 of them too!
Game Boy, Color and Advance Oh My!
GBA SP systems are so cool. Back lit, recharchable Ion battery and can play original Gameboy, Color and advace games. It's the ultimate retro handheld. That original black and white GB system was perfect too. No pixel problems!
That is some of the awesome collections that came in this week. Thanks to all the people who sold in their games and I'm glad we could give you some well deserved cash! If you are interested in buying any of these games they are out for sale right here at and if you would like to sell your games Please visit Sell Your Video Games for our current price lists.