Vote to Complete The Final 4 Best Halloween Retro Games.

Vote to Complete The Final 4 Best Halloween Retro Games.

Posted by on Oct. 27th, 2014

First two members of the Final Four announced! Two more match-ups need your vote!

Silent Hill sent Freddy Krueger screaming back to dreamland and giant creatures were no match for thousands of Zombies.  Two new match-ups today, #1 Resident Evil vs #9 Doom and #5 Castlevania vs #4 Luigi's Mansion!

Best Halloween Retro Games

Resident Evil vs Doom - A Kill 'em all match-up.

Resident Evil PS1 Vs Doom SNES

Castlevania vs Luigi's Mansion - Two bad real estate investments.

Castlevania Vs Luigis Mansion

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