Vote To Select The First "Best Halloween Retro Games" Finalist!

Vote To Select The First "Best Halloween Retro Games" Finalist!

Posted by on Oct. 28th, 2014

The Final Four is set! 

There was no dooming the Evil and Simon Belmont simply flushed away the plumber! 

First semi-final announced, #2 Silent Hill vs #6 Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Vote for your first finalist.

Final Four match-up, winner advances to the Finals!

SIlent Hill PS1 vs Zombies Ate My Neighbors SNES

#2 Silent Hill vs #6 Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Will the Hill avalanche on top of the Neighborhood or will the Zombies make too much noise?  You decide!

This match-up is posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and all votes get tallied tomorrow. Who will win?

Vote for your winner by leaving a comment in the comments section below.

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